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The successors of the throne of England and Great Britain


     SAXONS                           (3)
                       (1)\          /(920?)
              Egwina N  =   Edward      =   Edgiva
               †c901    | K of Wessex   |   of Kent
               [71]     |    †>924      |    †968
                        |    [71]       |    [71]
          ______________|  _____________|_______________
         |                |     (1)                     |
         |                |    /(c940)                  |
    ¹Athelstan        Edmund I     =  St Elgiva       Edred
   K of England     K of England   |  †c944/46     K of England
     >924-39†          939-46m     |  [71]            946-55†
     (c895-39)       (c920/2-46)   |                (c923/5-55)
     [71]            [71]          |                [71]
                                   |                                                 ________________________________________________________
                    _______________|_______________                                 |                                                        |
                   |                       (1)     |      (2)  (2)                  |   DANES              (1)                               |       (1)
                   |                   (>c961)\    |     /(>c964?)\                 |                     /(c990-<1000?)                     |      /(c1003)
                  Edwy        Ethelfleda  =      Edgar       =     Elfrida          |             ᶜSweyn         ≠      Gunhilda         Richard II,    =    Judith
              K of England      †>c962    |  K of England    |    of Devon          |          K of England      |     of Poland?      D of Normandy    | of Brittany
                 955-59†        [71]      |     959-75†      |     †<1002           |             1013-14†       |       †c1015            †1026        |    †>1017
              (c941/3-59)                 |   (942/4-75)     |     [71]             |         [K of Denmark]     |       [71]              [P47]        |   (Rennes)
              [71]                        |   [71]           |                      |           (c960-1014)      |                                      |   [P47]
                                          |                  |                      |           [71]             |?                                     |
                                     _____|                  |____                  |                   _________|                            __________|
                                    |                    (1)      |       (2)(1)    |      (2)         |                                     |
                                    |                (>c980)\     |      /(1002)\   |     /(1017)      |                                     |
                                 Edward        Elgiva   =    Ethelred II     =     Emma       =    ᶜCanute     -     Elgiva              Robert I,   - Herleva N
                              K of England    of York?  |    K of England    | of Normandy    |  K of England  | of Northampton        D of Normandy |   †c1050
                                 975-78m       †1002    |     978-1013ѧ      |    †1052       |    1016-35†    |     †1044?                †1035     |   [71]
                               (c962/3-78)     [71]     |      1014-16†      |    [71]        |  [K of Denmark |     [71]                  [71]      |
                               [71]                     |   (c966/9-1016)    |                |    & Norway]   |                                     |
                                                        |   [71]             |                |   (c995-1035)  |                                     |
                                                        |                    |                |   [71]         |                                     |
                                  ______________________|      ______________|                |____________    |____________                  _______|
                                 |       (2)                  |              _____________                 |                |                |                    NORMANS
                                 |    (1015)\                 |    (1045)   |             |                |                |                |     (>c1050)
                             Edmund II   =   Edith N       Edward     =   Edith       Harold II       Harthacanute      ᶸHarold I        ᶜWilliam I    =   Matilda
                           K of England  |   [71]       K of England    of Wessex    K of England     K of England     K of England     K of England   | of Flanders
                               1016†     |                1042-66†        †1075         1066x           1035-37●         1037-40†         1066-87†     |    †1083
                            (>988-1016)  |              (c1003/4-66)      [71]       (c1020/22-66)      1040-42†       (c1016/17-40)    (c1027/8-87)   |    [71]
                            [71]         |              [71]                           (Godwin)      [K of Denmark]    [71]             [71]           |
                                         |                                             [71]            (c1018-42)                                      |
                                         |                                                             [71]                                            |
                                         |____________________________________________                                      ___________________________|________________________
                                                                                      |                                    |         ____      (1)    |                         |
                                                                                      |                                    |        |    |  (1100)\   |                         |  (1080)
                                                                                    Edward  =   Agatha                 William II   | Matilda  =   Henry I                    Adela   =  Theobald III
                                                                                   Aethling | of Hungary?             K of England  |  †1118   | K of England                 †>1137  |   C de Blois
                                                                                    †1057   |   †>1093                 1087-1100k   |  [71]    |   1100-35†                   [71]    |      x1102
                                                                                    [71]    |   [71]                  (<c1056-1100) |          | (1068-1135)                          |      [71]
                                                                                            |                          [71]         |          | [71]                                 |
                                                                                       _____|                                       |          |                                 _____|
                                                                                      |      (2)                                    |          |    (2)                         |
                                                                                      |  (c1069)\                                   |          |   /(1128)                      |
                                                                                  Margaret  =    Malcolm III,                       |       Matilda    =  Geoffrey V         ᶸStephen
                                                                                    †1093   |   K of Scotland                       |        †1167     |   C d'Anjou       K of England
                                                                                    [71]    |       x1093                           |        [71]      |     †1151          1135-1141●
                                                                                            |     (Dunkeld)                         |                  | (Plantagenet)       1141-54†
                                                                                            |     [71]                              |                  | [8B]             (c1096/7-1154)
                                                                                            |_______________________________________|                  |                  [71]
                        ANJOU/PLANTAGENET           |       (2)
                                                    |    (1152)\
                                                Henry II    =      Eleanor
                                              K of England  |  Dss of Aquitaine
                                                1154-89†    |       †1204
                                                (1133-89)   |       [71]
                                                [71]        |
                                                   |                |    (2)(1)
                                                   |                |   /(1200)\
                                               Richard I          John      =     Isabella
                                              K of England    K of England  |   of Angoulême
                                                1189-99†        1199-1216†  |       †1246
                                               (1157-99)       (1166-1216)  |       [71]
                                               [71]            [71]         |
                                                                    |    (1236)
                                                                Henry III   =   Eleanor
                                                              K of England  | of Provence
                                                                1216-72†    |    †1291
                                                                (1207-72)   |    [71]
                                                                [71]        |
                                                                    |       (1)
                                                                    |      /(1254)
                                                                 Edward I     =    Eleanor
                                                               K of England   |  of Castille
                                                                1272-1307†    |     †1290
                                                               (1239-1307)    |     [71]
                                                               [71]           |
                                                                    |     (1308)
                                                                Edward II    =  Isabella
                                                               K of England  |  of France
                                                                 1307-27●    |    †1358
                                                               (1284-1327m)  |    [71]
                                                               [71]          |
                                                                    |    (1328)
                                                               Edward III   =  Philippa
                                                              K of England  | of Hainault
                                                                 1327-77†   |    †1369
                                                                (1312-77)   |    [71]
                                                               [71]         |
         |      (3)                        |         (1)                         |         (1)                                (1)         |         (3)(2)
         |   (1361)\                       |        /(1342)                      |        /(1372)                          (1359)\        |        /(1396)\
      Edward    =     Joan         Lionel of Antwerp    =   Elizabeth    Edmund of Langley    =   Isabella         Blanche    =     John of Gaunt      =   Katherine
    P of Wales  |   of Kent          D of Clarence      |   de Burgh       1st D of York      |  of Castile     of Lancaster  |  1st D of Lancaster    |   Swynford
     (1330-75)  |    †1385             (1338-68)        |     †1363         (1341-1402)       |     †1393           †1369     |       (1340-99)        |     †1403
     [71]       | (Plantagenet)        [71]             |     [71]          [71]              |     [71]            [71]      |       [71]             |     [71]
                | [71]                                  |                                     |                               |                        |
          ______|                            ___________|                         ____________|                           ____|                        |_____
         |                                  |                                    |         (3)            LANCASTER      |                                   |          (1)
         |                                  |   (>1359)                          |     (>1396)\                          |     (1380/1)                      |       (1397)\
     Richard II                         ²Philippa  =    Edmund                Edward     =    Philippa               ᶸHenry IV     =     Mary              John         =   Margaret
    K of England                          †>1378   | 3rd E of March       2nd D of York  |    de Mohun              K of England   |   de Bohun      1st E of Somerset  |   Holland
      1377-99●                            [71]     |     †1381                x1415      |     †1431                 1399-1413†    |    †1394              †1410        |    †1439
    (c1367-1400m)                                  |   (Mortimer)             [71]       |     [71]                 (1367-1413)    |    [71]             (Beaufort)     |    [71]
    [71]                                           |   [71]                              |                          [71]           |                     [71]           |
                                             ______|                                     |                                _________|                                    |
                                            |         (1)                                |                               |         (1)            ?                     |            (1)
                                            |     (c1388)\                               |                               |      (1420)\         /(2)                    |      (1439/42)\
                                          Roger      =    Eleanor                        |                            Henry V      =   Catherine  = Owen             John         =     Margaret
                                     4th E of March  |    Holland                        |                          K of England   |   of France  | Tudor      1st D of Somerset   |    Beauchamp
                                          k1398      |     †1405                         |                            1413-22†     |     †1437    | ᴥ1461             †1444        |      †1482
                                          [71]       |     [71]                          |                          (1386/7-1422)  |     [71]     | [71]              [71]         |      [71]
                                                     |                                   |                          [71]           |              |                                |
                                             ________|        ___________________________|                                _________|              |_________                  _____|
                                            |      (1)       |                                                           |                                  |         (2)    |
                                            | (1406/8)\      |                                                           |                                  |      (1455)\   |
                                          Anne    =       Richard                                                     Henry VI                           Edmund       =   Margaret
                                          †1411   |  3rd E of Cambridge                                             K of England                   1st E of Richmond  |    †1509
                                          [71]    |        ᴥ1415                                                      1422-61●                            †1456       |    [71]
                                                  |        (York)                                                     1470-71●                            [71]        |
                                                  |        [71]                                                      (1421-71m)                                       |
                                                  |                                                                  [71]                                             |
                                                  |                                                                                                                   |
                                             _____|                                                                       ____________________________________________|
                                            |                                                               TUDOR        |
                                            |     (<1424)                                                                |     (1486)
                                         Richard     =   Cecily                                                     ᶜHenry VII    =  Elizabeth
                                      3rd D of York  |   Neville                                                    K of England  |   of York
                                          x1460      |    †1495                                                      1485-1509†   |    †1503
                                          [71]       |    [71]                                                      (1457-1509)   |    [71]
                                                     |                                                              [71]          |
                                                     |                             _______________________________________________|____________________________________________
            YORK/PLANTAGENET          _______________|_____________               |                                                  |     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _                     |
                                     |       (2)                   |              |    (1)                             (2)   (1)     |    | (2)            \(3)                |  (2)
                                     |    (1464)\                  |              |   /(1503)                         /(1509-33)\    |    |/(1533-36)       (1536)             | /(1515)
                                 Edward IV   =   Elizabeth    Richard III     Margaret    =   James IV       Catherine     ≠    Henry VIII      ≠     Anne     =   Jane      Mary    =     Charles
                               K of England  |   Wydville     K of England      †1541     | K of Scotland    of Aragon     |   K of England     |    Boleyn    |  Seymour    †1533   | 1st D of Suffolk
                                  1461-70●   |     †1492        1483-85x        [71]      |     x1513          †1497       |      1509-47†      |     ᴥ1536    |   †1537     [71]    |       †1545
                                  1471-83†   |     [71]        (1452-85x)                 |   (Stewart)                    |    (1491-1547)     |     [71]     |   [71]              |     (Brandon)
                                 (1442-83)   |                 [71]                       |   [71]                         |    [71]            |              |                     |     [71]
                                 [71]        |                                            |                                |                    |              |                     |
                                      _______|                                     _______|                                |               _____|           ___|                _____|
                                     |                                            |        (2)                             |              |                |                   |    (1)(2)
                                     |                                            |     (1538)\                            |              |                |                   |   /(1533)\
                                 Edward V                                      James V     =   Mary                     Mary I       Elizabeth I       Edward VI            Frances    =       Henry
                               K of England                                 K of Scotland  | of Guise                Q of England    Q of England    K of England            †1559     | 1st D of Suffolk   
                                   1483●                                        †1542      |  †1560                    1553-58†       1558-1603†        1547-53†             [71]      |       ᴥ1554
                                (1470-83m)                                      [71]       |  [71]                     (1516-58)     (1533-1603)       (1537-53)                       |      (Grey)
                                [71]                                                       |                                                                                           |      [71]
                                                                                           |                                                                                           |
                                                                                   ________|                                                                                    _______|
                                                                                  |      (2)                                                                       GREY        |
                                                                                  |     /(1565)                                                                                |
                                                                                Mary        =    Henry                                                                      ᶸJane
                                                                           Q of Scotland    | D of Albany                                                                Q of England
                                                                                ᴥ1587       |    m1567                                                                       1553●
                                                                                [71]        |   (Stuart)                                                                   (1537-54ᴥ)
                                                                                            |   [71]                                                                       [71]
                                                                 STUART           |
                                                                                  |     (1589)
                                                                               James I     =    Anne
                                                                           K of G Britain  | of Denmark
                                                                              1603-25†     |   †1619
                                                                             (1566-1625)   |   [71]
                                                                             [71]          |
                                                                        |                                     |
                                                                        |   (1613)                            |     (1625)
                                                                    Elizabeth  =  Friedrich V             Charles I    =  Henrietta
                                                                      †1662    |  K of Bohemia         K of G Britain  |  of France
                                                                      [71]     |     †1632                1625-49ᴥ     |    †1669
                                                                               |  (Wittelsbach)           (1600-49)    |    [71]
                                                                               |  [71]                    [71]         |
                                                                         ______|                               ________|________
                                                                        |                                     |                 |
                                                                        | (1658)                              |                 |     (1660)
                                                                     Sophia  =   Ernest Augustus         Charles II         James II     =   Anne
                                                                      †1714  |    El of Hanover        K of G Britain    K of G Britain  |   Hyde
                                                                      [71]   |        †1698               1660-85†          1685-88●     |  †1671
                                                                             | (Brunswick-Lüneberg)       (1630-85)        (1633-1701)   |  [71]
                                                                             |    [71]                    [71]             [71]          |
                                                                             |                                                           |
                                                                         ____|                                          _________________|_________________
                                                        HANOVER         |                                              |                                   |
                                                                        |      (1682-94)                               |     (1641)                        |
                                                                     George I      ≠     Sophia                     Mary II     =  William III           Anne
                                                                  K of G Britain   |  of Brunswick              Q of G Britain    K of G Britain    Q of G Britain
                                                                     1714-27†      | Lüneberg-Celle                1689-94†         1689-1702†         1702-14†
                                                                   (1660-1727)     |     †1726                     (1662-94)        (1650-1702)       (1665-1714)
                                                                   [71]            |     [71]                      [71]               (Orange)        [71]
                                                                         __________|                                                  [71]
                                                                        |      (1705)
                                                                    George II     =    Caroline
                                                                  K of G Britain  | of Brandenburg-
                                                                     1727-60†     |     Ansbach
                                                                   (1683-1760)    |      †1737
                                                                   [71]           |      [71]
                                                                        |    (1736)
                                                                    Frederick   =    Augusta
                                                                    P of Wales  | of Saxe-Gotha-
                                                                      †1751     |   Altenburg
                                                                      [71]      |     †1772
                                                                                |     [71]
                                                                        |     (1761)
                                                                   George III    =    Charlotte
                                                                 K of G Britain  | of Mecklenburg-
                                                                    1760-1820†   |    Strelitz
                                                                   (1738-1820)   |     †1818
                                                                   [71]          |     [71]
                                                                 |                |               |      (2)
                                                                 |                |               |   (1818)\
                                                             George IV       William IV        Edward,   =    Victoria
                                                          K of G Britain    K of G Britain    D of Kent  | of Saxe-Coburg-
                                                              1820-30†         1830-37†         †1820    |    Saalfeld
                                                            (1762-1830†)     (1765-1837)        [71]     |      †1861
                                                            [71]             [71]                        |      [71]
                                                                                                  |     (1840)
                                                                                              Victoria     =     Albert
                                                                                           Q of G Britain  | of Saxe-Coburg
                                                                                             1837-1901†    |    & Gotha
                                                                                             (1819-1901)   |     †1861
                                                                                             [71]          |     [71]
                                                                      SAXE-COBURG-GOTHA           |
                                                                                                  |     (1863)
                                                                                             Edward VII    =  Alexandra
                                                                                           K of G Britain  |  of Denmark
                                                                                              1901-10†     |    †1925
                                                                                             (1841-1910)   |    [71]
                                                                                             [71]          |
                                                                             WINDSOR              |
                                                                                                  |     (1893)
                                                                                              George V     =  Mary
                                                                                           K of G Britain  | of Teck
                                                                                              1910-36†     |  †1953
                                                                                             (1865-1936)   |  [71]
                                                                                             [71]          |
                                                                                                  |                 |
                                                                                                  |                 |     (1923)
                                                                                            Edward VIII        George VI     =  Elizabeth
                                                                                           K of G Britain    K of G Britain  |  Bowes-Lyon
                                                                                                1936ѧ           1936-52†     |    †2002
                                                                                             (1894-1972)       (1895-1952)   |    [71]
                                                                                             [71]              [71]          |
                                                                                                              Elizabeth II
                                                                                                             Q of G Britain


Abbreviations | Sources


1. First king of a united England.
2. The House of York based its claim to the throne on its descent from Philippa, the heiress presumptive of Richard II.
Succeeded by right of conquest
Succeeded by usurpation

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Royal Ancestry
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