# |
Name |
Origin |
Death/Fl. |
1 |
Hephaestion |
Macedonian from Pella; son of Amyntor
d. 324 BC |
2 |
Leonnatus |
Macedonian from Pella; son of Eunus or Anteas |
d. 322 BC |
3 |
Lysimachus[1] |
Macedonian from Pella; son of Agathocles |
d. 282 BC |
4 |
Asclepiodorus |
Macedonian from Pella; son of Timander |
fl. 326 BC |
5 |
Archon |
Macedonian from Pella; son of Cleinias |
d. 321 BC |
6 |
Demonicus |
Macedonian from Pella; son of Athenaeus |
fl. 326 BC |
7 |
Archias |
Macedonian from Pella; son of Anaxidotus |
fl. 324 BC |
8 |
Ophellas |
Macedonian from Pella; son of Seilenus |
d. 308 BC |
9 |
Timanthes |
Macedonian from Pella; son of Pantiades |
fl. 326 BC |
10 |
Nearchus |
Macedonian from Amphipolis; son of Androtimus |
d. 312 BC |
11 |
Laomedon |
Macedonian from Amphipolis or Mytilene; son of Larichus |
d. 319 BC? |
12 |
Androsthenes |
Macedonian from Amphipolis or Greek from Thasos; son of Callistratus |
fl. 324 BC |
13 |
Craterus |
Macedonian from Orestis; son of Alexander |
d. 321 BC |
14 |
Perdiccas |
Macedonian from Orestis; son of Orontes |
d. 321 BC |
15 |
Ptolemy[2] |
Macedonian from Eordea; son of Lagus |
d. 282 BC |
16 |
Aristonus |
Macedonian from Eordea or Pella; son of Peisaeus |
d. 315 BC |
17 |
Metron |
Macedonian from Pydna; son of Epicharmus |
fl. 326 BC |
18 |
Nicarchides |
Macedonian from Pydna; son of Simos |
fl. 326 BC |
19 |
Attalus |
Macedonian from Pydna or Tymphaea; son of Andromenes |
d. 317 BC? |
20 |
Peucestas |
Macedonian from Pydna or Mieza; son of Alexander |
fl. c. 312 BC |
21 |
Peithon |
Macedonian from Pydna or Alcomene; son of Crateuas |
d. 313 BC |
22 |
Leonnatus |
Macedonian from Pydna or Aegae; son of Antipater |
fl. 326 BC |
23 |
Pantauchus |
Macedonian from Pydna or Alora; son of Nicolaus |
fl. 326 BC |
24 |
Mylleas |
Macedonian from Pydna or of Beroia; son of Zoïlus. |
fl. 326 BC |
25 |
Medius |
Greek of Larissa; son of Oxythemis |
fl. 307 BC |
26 |
Eumenes |
Greek of Cardia; son of Hieronymus |
d. 316 BC |
27 |
Critobulus |
Greek of Cos; son of Plato |
fl. 326 BC |
28 |
Thoas |
Greek of Magnesia; son of Menodorus/Mandrodorus |
d. c. 325 BC |
29 |
Maeander |
Greek of Magnesia; son of Mandrogenes |
fl. 326 BC |
30 |
Andron/Hagnon |
Greek of Teos; son of Cabeleus |
fl. 317-15 BC |
31 |
Nicocles |
Greek of Soli; son of Pasicrates |
fl. 326 BC |
32 |
Nithaphon |
Greek of Salamis; son of King Pnytagoras of Salamis |
fl. 326 BC |
33 |
Bagoas |
Persian, possibly from Lycia; son of Pharnuches |
fl. 326 BC |
1. King of Thrace in 306 BC
2. King of Egypt in 305 BC and founder of the Ptolemaic dynasty.
Arrianus, F. The Voyage of Nearchus, and the Periplus
of the Erythrean Sea, 2nd edn. Trans. W. Vincent. Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 1809.
Hazel, J. Who's Who in the Greek World, 2nd ed. London:
Routledge, 2002.
Heckel, W. Who’s Who in the Age of Alexander the Great,
rev. ed. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing, 2006. |