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Jabir II Al-Mubarak Al-Sabah
Sheikh of Kuwait


Sheikh of Kuwait 1915–17†  
Knight Companion of the Star of India 1916 [UK]
Commander of Red Fort Garrison 1902-03

Throughout Jabir's rule, Kuwait experienced substantial growth across various sectors, particularly in education with the establishment of its inaugural university. Additionally, there was a notable economic advancement with the nationalisation of the oil industry. Internationally, Kuwait emerged as a key player in addressing shared Arab concerns. Although his reign was brief, Jabir was a popular leader.

Place of birth: Kuwait
Place of death: Kuwait City
Place of burial: Kuwait City

Son of Mubarak Al-Sabah, Sheikh of Kuwait, and Shekha Al-Sabah. He was married firstly to Shekha Al-Sabah, secondly to an Ethiopian lady, and thirdly to a lady from the Bani Arayan family. He had issue.

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