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Antonio Lodovico di Savoia
Signore di Cavour
(c. 1485–1552)


Signore di Cavour 1538–52†
Consignore di Pancalieri
Knight of the Order of St John of Jerusalem 1516–21 res. [Vatican]

Knight of the parliament of Turin 1546
Knight of the Council of Turin 1546
Castellan of Valle di Perosa 1536
Captain of Valle di Perosa 1536

Antonio was sent to Rhodes in 1516 to join the Order of St John of Jerusalem. He returned in 1521 and claimed that he had been sent away by force by his father who favoured Bernardino. He began to clash with his brother, Bernardino, over the inheritance, but they seemed to have settled the matter by 1522. In 1531 Antonio was in the service of the French army and was active in Lombardy. After Francis I of France captured Piedmont, Antonio was made both captain and castellan of Valle di Perosa in 1536. In 1541 he paid homage to Louis, King of France, who invested him with Cavour, which he had inherited from his cousin, Giovanni. In 1549 another family dispute emerged, this time, with the sons of Bernardino, Filippo and Claudio, who argued that Antonio's issue would be illegitimate as he was a former knight of Jerusalem, and could not inherit his land and titles.

Son of Claudio di Savoia and Ippolita Borromeo. He was married firstly to Jeanne de Pontevès in 1528, and secondly to Florimonda Costa in 1549, having had issue by his first wife, and also illegitimate issue.

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