di Savoia
Signore di Cumiana
Signore di Cumiana 1378–>98†
Signore di Cavallermaggiore 1378–>98†
Signore di Villafranca 1378
Lieutenant of the castle of Villafranca 1393
Aymon was possibly a posthumous son as he was not named in his father's
His own will was dated 13 March 1398,
which provided for the building of a chapel at the Dominican church at
Savigliano, and another at the Franciscan church at Pinerolo.
for the return of Mencia's dowry was granted by the count of Savoy on
11 November 1385, which implies that Aymon's marriage had failed.
Daughter of Philippe I de Savoie and Catherine de La Tour du Pin. He married
Mencia di Ceva before 1385.