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Claudio di Savoia
Signore di Racconigi


Signore di Racconigi 1502–21†
Signore di Migliabruna 1502–21†
Consignore di Pancalieri 1502–21†
Consignore di Castel Rainero 1502–21†
Knight of the Order of the Holy Annunciation [Italy] 1518

General marshal of Savoy 1482–83 rev.
General marshal of Piemonte 1482–83 rev.
Governor of Vercelli 1476–83 dep.
Governor of Sommariva 1476–83 dep.

Claudio received a generous dowry after he married, and gave the Duke of Savoy a loan for which he received the governorships of Vercelli and Sommariva in return. A powerful and ambitious man, Claudio was antagonistic towards Carlo I, Duke of Savoy, which stemmed from his desire for independence, and was often in conflict with him at the court. In 1483 Carlo I sent the military to Sommariva to depose him. He also sent Anecchino Valperga to negotiate his surrender, but after Claudio accepted his proposal, Valperga was killed during his departure. Claudio then sought protection from the Savoy family's enemy, the Marquis of Saluzzo, who received him favourably. In 1486 invaded and took the towns of Racconigi, Pancalieri, and Cavorre, as the Marquis of Saluzzo occupied Sommariva. However, with assistance from the Duke of Milan and the Swiss, the Duke of Savoy was able to recapture these territories with ease. His attack on Pancalieri was particularly brutal, destroying the garrison, and decapitating the governor, Manfredo di Reinasco, and the rebels soon abandoned their positions. Claudio was left somewhat destitute, and even the Marquis of Saluzzo's situation was diminished. After the death of Carlo I of Savoy in 1490, the regent, Bianca of Montferrat, wanting to avoid further conflict, restored the Marquis of Saluzzo to his dominions, and even Claudio was pardoned. in 1502 he was invested with a number of fiefdoms by Filiberto, Duke of Savoy. In 1506 Claudio founded the Dominican church and convent at Racconigi.

Son of Francesco di Savoia and Catherine de Seyssel. He married Ippolita Borromeo in 1476, and had issue.

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