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Edouard de Savoie
Archbishop of Tarentaise


Archbishop of Tarentaise 1386–95†
Bishop of Sion 1374
Bishop of Belley 1370
Seigneur de Conteis 1370
Seigneur de Chillon 1370
Abbot of San Giusto di Susa 1366
Prior of Borghetto 1366

Edouard was raised at the court of the dauphine of Vienne where he became a page. In 1346 he became a monk at the monastery of Cluny. It seems that he was imprisoned for some time for reasons unknown, but he was freed by 1362 and his ecclesiastical career progressed rapidly.

Place of birth: Susa

Son of Philippe I de Savoie and Catherine de La Tour du Pin.

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