di Savoia
Conte di Pancalieri
(c. 1510–81)
Conte di Pancalieri solely 1541–62; jointly 1562–>79;
Signore di Racconigi jointly 1538–>70; solely >1570–81†
Signore di Migliabruna jointly 1538–>70; solely >1570–81†
Consignore di Castel Raniero 1538–81†
Consignore di Pancalieri 1538–81†
Knight of the Order of the Holy Annunciation 1568
Gentleman of the chamber of Savoy 1559
Destined for a military career, Filippo sided with the French, who were
occupying the capital of Turin. After his marriage to Paola Costa, he
obtained the fiefdoms of Tegerone and Motturone as part of her dowry.
His uncle, Antonio Lodovico, was leader of the pro-French faction at Turin,
but as he was becoming increasing elderly and sick, Filippo gradually
assumed his positions and roles. He took part in the Council of Turin
in 1547, and was at Paris in 1551 as a delegate of the General States
of Piedmont. After his uncle's death, he assumed the complete role of
leader of the Piedmontese nobility. In 1559, Emmanuel Philibert, Duke
of Savoy, made him a gentleman of the chamber, and in 1560, gave him the
task of negotiating with the assembly states, in particular, to persuade
the nobility to favour the policy of the Duke. In 1561, he was appointed
to negotiate with the Waldensians, from which, the Cavour Convention resulted,
granting them religious rights. This resulted in protests from the Pope
and Catholic groups, who held Filippo responsible. As a result, Filippo
left the court for some time, although he still enjoyed the support of
the Duke. The Duke in the meantime mediated the dispute that had arisen
between Filippo and his brother Claudio. In 1562, he granted Racconigi
and Migliabruna to Filippo, and Cavour and Osasco to Claudio. Pancalieri
was split between them. Filippo returned to court, and held various important
political and administrative roles. In 1581, the Duke made him prince
of the blood, and he was added to the order of succession to the throne
of Savoy.
Filippo unsuccessfully made a claim to the duchy of Nemours. His argument
had been that he was deprived of the succession due to the agreement of
1285 when his ancestor, Philippe I of Achaia, was passed over in the succession
to Savoy, despite being the eldest male of the house after the death of
the reigning duke, Philippe I of Savoy.
After Filippo's death, his eldest son, Bernardino, succeeded him.
Place of birth: Racconigi?
Son of Bernardino di Savoia and Violante Adorno. He married Paola Costa
in 1537, and had issue. He also had illegitimate issue.