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Giovanni Battista di Savoia
Marchese della Chiusa


Marchese della Chiusa 1583–85†
Marchese di Tegerone jointly 1583–85†
Signore di Tegerone jointly 1582–85†
Knight of the Order of the Holy Annunciation 1585 [Italy]

Sommelier du corps to the Duke of Savoy 1583
Protonotary apostolic 1582 ren.
Commendatory abbot of San Benigno 1581–82 ren.

Destined for an ecclesiastical career, Giovanni Battista was a beneficiary of the oratorio of Santa Maria, near Racconigi, in 1562 before it passed to his brother, Amedeo. Emmanuel Philibert, Duke of Savoy, recommended him to the Pope to advance his career in the church, but Giovanni Battista's sympathy for the Waldensians at Pinerolo rendered his efforts fruitless. In 1573, he received a pension from the archdiocese of Tarentaise, and in 1582, he was sent to Rome as ambassador for the Duke. Later that year, he renounced his ecclesiastical appointments, and returned home from San Benigno. He was then invested with the fiefdom of Tegerone, and in 1583, he was invested as marchese of Tegerone. In the same year, he purchased part of the fiefdom of de la Cluse, and was invested as its marquis. In 1585, he was part of the cortège that accompanied Charles Emmanuel I, Duke of Savoy, to Spain for his wedding to Catherine of Austria, and he later died there.

Place of death: Zaragoza

Son of Filippo di Savoia and Paula Costa. He married Benedetta Spinola in c. 1584.

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