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Lodovico, Bastardo di Savoia
Signore di Racconigi


Signore di Racconigi 1414–59†
Signore de Pancalieri 1407–59†
Signore di Migliabruna 1414-59†
Signore di Castel Rainero 1417-59†
Signore di Cavour 1417-59†
Knight of the Order of the Holy Annunciation [Italy] 1434

Marshal of Savoy 1454

Lodovico's mother was a Neapolitan noblewoman. His stepmother, Bonne de Savoie, appointed him her heir in 1429.

Illegitimate son of Louis de Savoie and an unnamed woman. He married Alice de Montbel in 1412, and had issue.

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